5 Ways to Get More Out of General Conference—Even as a Busy Young Adult
March 2023

5 Ways to Get More Out of General Conference—Even as a Busy Young Adult

General conference only comes twice a year, but its messages can change your life for the better every day.

two women watching general conference on a laptop

As a young adult with a constantly shifting schedule and a seemingly endless list of things to do, I always look forward to general conference as a break from the noise and distractions of my daily life.

Because general conference contains Christ-centered messages from God through a living prophet, apostles, and other Church leaders, it’s one of the best opportunities to feel the Spirit and receive guidance.

So it makes sense that most of us who watch conference have something that we hope to get out of it.

But sometimes, even with our best intentions, distractions or concerns can get in the way. Maybe you have homework due at midnight, your schedule is full of work, you haven’t washed the dishes, or you’re stressed about relationships with friends and family. Maybe you don’t have supportive friends or family members to watch conference with. Or maybe you’re still learning how you feel the Spirit.

No matter what distractions or concerns you might have, the good news is that you can still find ways to hear the Spirit speak to you at general conference.

Here are five tips that have helped me create a more spiritual conference experience, even when my situation doesn’t feel ideal.

1. Prepare to Be in Tune with the Spirit

The first thing you can do to better feel the Spirit during conference is “increase your spiritual capacity to receive revelation.”1 This doesn’t require spending hours every day studying the scriptures, but it does mean putting in effort.

President Russell M. Nelson has frequently encouraged us to make time to hear the voice of the Savior.2 I’ve found that creating even little moments in my day to “be still” (Psalm 46:10) has helped me more clearly hear the voice of the Lord.

During a particularly stressful year at college, I did this by getting to my first class of the day early so that I could have time to read my scriptures on my phone. I also focused on pondering as I walked home from campus or did chores around the house. These small moments allowed me to step away from the constant commotion of my life and be more in tune with the Lord’s voice each day.

Use quiet moments like these as you approach conference to think about questions or concerns that you want to seek answers for. And as you listen to the messages given at general conference, actively seek answers and inspiration—not only in the words of the speakers but in the thoughts that the Holy Ghost will bring to your mind. Pray for the ability to recognize the Lord’s voice.

2. Decide Where, When, and How You’ll Watch

I know—deciding how you’ll watch conference seems like an obvious next step, but I have found it to be surprisingly difficult. It’s not always as simple as rolling out of bed on conference mornings. Occasionally, I’ve had to work during conference weekend, which meant I had to plan how I would watch the sessions I missed later. You might have other responsibilities that make watching conference difficult. Instead of watching it all at once, you may need to set aside time each morning to listen to a talk or schedule time to watch it another time. But no matter your situation, there’s something powerful about dedicating time to watch.

Where you watch general conference can also affect how much you get out of it. If possible, try to find a quiet, peaceful place where you can watch or listen. You may choose to watch in a church building or at home, or with a friend, a member of your ward, or a family member. You might choose to just listen rather than watch it on a screen. But wherever you are, you can always create a personal environment of reverence for yourself as you invite the Spirit to teach you. Cultivating an attitude of reverence will help you focus on the Spirit, no matter your circumstances.

3. Stay Actively Engaged

It’s tough to get something out of conference if you aren’t focused. But focusing can be incredibly difficult if it’s something you already struggle with (or if there are things outside your control going on around you!). Different techniques may work for different people, but here are a few things that have helped me stay engaged as I listen to conference:

  • Have a few questions in mind and listen for messages that can apply to your life.

  • If you take notes, try not to take notes on absolutely everything you hear (I’m still working on this). Instead, focus on the inspiration that you receive and the speakers’ key points. This will allow you to have your mind and heart more open to the whisperings of the Spirit.

    You could try writing down all the invitations given by the speakers or highlighting the answers you find to the questions you brought to conference. Your notes might include key words, topics to study later, or even illustrations.

  • If you can, get a good night’s rest before conference so your mind can be alert.

  • Pray for the ability to focus. If you find yourself getting sleepy or distracted, try stretching, walking around the room, or stepping outside for a quick break.

These techniques can improve your ability to focus and will help you listen more intently to both the speakers and the Holy Ghost.

4. Plan Ahead for Distractions

Even in the most ideal of environments, some distractions are bound to come. So how can we keep distractions from breaking our hard-earned focus?

The first thing to do is limit distractions beforehand where possible. Preparation helps. Depending on your situation, this could mean finishing work or schoolwork, completing household chores, or accomplishing other responsibilities that you would normally be doing before and during conference.

If you’re watching with others, try to encourage reverence in how you act, and make sure that any conference traditions you have still allow you to focus on the Spirit. Putting away your phone (and turning off your notifications!) can also help you avoid being interrupted as you listen.

5. Know That the Lord Sees Your Efforts

When it comes to spirituality, it’s easy to compare our own efforts to the efforts of others and feel like we’re not doing enough. While these suggestions can improve your conference experience, it’s important to remember that the Lord knows your individual circumstances and recognizes your efforts to hear Him.

If your conference weekend is chaotic, that’s all right! If you face distractions while you listen, that’s fine! As you take small steps to spiritually and physically prepare for conference, the Spirit will be able to teach and instruct you.

Remember the Lord’s promise that “if thou shalt [seek], thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things—that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal” (Doctrine and Covenants 42:61). You can still seek revelation from general conference when conference weekend is over. You can revisit conference messages anytime, and the words of Church leaders can continually help you know what goals to set in your life to help you become a better disciple of Christ.

I’m still learning how to hear the voice of the Spirit, but I know that the messages in general conference will continue to give me the guidance and direction I need to come closer to God. As I’ve done these things to prepare for conference, I’ve felt God’s love for me in greater abundance, and I’ve been able to see all the ways He’s already guiding me in my daily life. I know you can too.

In an interview with the Church magazines, young adults share their testimonies of the importance of general conference.
