YA Weekly
How Can I Find Balance with My Busy Schedule?
August 2024

Questions and Answers

How Can I Find Balance with My Busy Schedule?

The author lives in Manchester, England.

With everything on my schedule, I wasn’t sure how to make time for spiritual things.

a figure balancing on a tightrope

I was really stressed.

I had recently been called to serve as the coordinator for the For the Strength of Youth conferences that were happening all summer in the United Kingdom.

Don’t get me wrong, I was excited to serve! But soon after work began, so much of my time started going to this calling. I worked to organize the events and make sure everyone had everything they needed for FSY, but I was also working full-time and juggling other things. My to-do lists entered never-ending territory.

I realized that this calling was going to make the summer a lot more stressful than I’d anticipated.

Isn’t that how a lot of our time in young adulthood is, though?

During this time of life, we’re often juggling university, callings, relationships, dating, jobs, and everything else that comes with being a new adult. With so many tasks that need to be done and only two hands, balancing our lives can seem impossible, especially when it comes to spiritual matters.

How are we supposed to make time for everything we’re responsible for, while adding callings, scripture study, temple attendance, ministering, and everything in between to the mix?

I wasn’t sure myself. But through this experience with FSY, as stressful as it was, the rewards and joy I felt while serving were worth it. I learnt a lot about how we can achieve greater balance with everything we have to do as young adults and still find time to invite the Spirit into our lives.

Remember That Small and Simple = Success

When our schedules are filled to the brim, making time for spiritual habits and responsibilities might seem out of the question for some people. In my case, many people around me who aren’t members of the Church were baffled by the fact that I, and many other young adults, were giving so much of our free time—and even taking time off work—to spend time with teenagers at FSY all summer.

With everything on our plates, it does sound a little crazy!

When I have a lot going on, the adversary can make my callings or spiritual habits look like a burden. Or sometimes I’m simply so burned-out or distracted by other tasks that I start letting those things that connect me to the Spirit fall on the back burner.

When I am feeling this way, I try to remember these words:

Small and simple.

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught: “I believe many, if not all, of the most satisfying and memorable accomplishments in our homes, in the Church, in our jobs and professions, and in our communities will be the product of this important spiritual pattern—of simple and small things. We should find great comfort in the fact that ordinary people who faithfully, diligently, and consistently do simple things that are right before God will bring forth extraordinary results.”

His words remind me that when I am feeling overwhelmed with life, if I am doing the small and simple things, then I am actually doing the most important things. And through them, great things will follow (see Alma 37:6).

Focus On the One Thing

When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I’ve realized I need a change in perspective. I don’t have to divide my attention between Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and my temporal responsibilities.

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles offers this insight:

“Being a disciple of Jesus Christ is not just one of many things we do. The Savior is the motivating power behind all that we do. …

“When we look at our lives and see a hundred things to do, we feel overwhelmed. When we see one thing—loving and serving God and His children, in a hundred different ways—then we can work on those things with joy.”

I can do all things with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in my mind and heart, and that has changed everything for me.

Know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Love You

I am currently serving as a temple ordinance worker, and I continue to witness the exhaustion, heartbreak, and other burdens of the patrons who come to the temple seeking solace.

But when I get to serve and administer ordinances to them, I see peace come into their countenances, and I am always reminded of how merciful our Heavenly Father is. He knows our worries, challenges, and righteous desires to be more like Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father knows everything I’m trying to balance and juggle in my life, and that knowledge reminds me that He sees my efforts and will help me work everything out.

Elder Uchtdorf also reminds us that there will be seasons of life where we have more time for some tasks than others: “How to distribute your time and energy among your many important tasks will vary from person to person and from one season of life to another. But our common, overall objective is to follow the Way of our Master, Jesus Christ, and return to the presence of our beloved Father in Heaven. This objective must remain constant and consistent, whoever we are and whatever else is happening in our lives.”

When I looked at all I had to do through the lens of the gospel, I felt my perspective change.

I didn’t have time to spend hours in the scriptures or in the temple every day, but I focused on the fact that I was in the service of the youth of the Church.

When I felt overwhelmed, I would pray or read a quick conference talk to bring me peace and perspective.

I made sure I was spending quality time with family and friends, even if that time was limited for a season.

I focused on giving what effort I could to my job, knowing that by sacrificing time for the Lord through my calling, He would help me find success in my career too.

And when I remembered to fast on fast Sunday intentionally, I felt the Lord’s power sustaining me.

I tried to do the little things with my Savior in mind, as consistently as I could. And it’s because of those simple things that I have gained a stronger personal relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and can better see Their caring role in my life.

If you are feeling overwhelmed trying to balance all the necessities of life, remember to do the small and simple things. Remember how much Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are aware of your efforts in your current season. And as you follow Them, They will continue to support you through future seasons.


  1. David A. Bednar, “By Small and Simple Things Are Great Things Brought to Pass” (Brigham Young University Women’s Conference, Apr. 29, 2011), 2, womensconference.byu.edu.

  2. Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Our Heartfelt All,” Liahona, May 2022, 123–4.

  3. Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Our Heartfelt All,” 123.
