YA Weekly
Believing without Seeing—Insights from Members around the World
October 2024

Digital Only

Believing without Seeing—Insights from Members around the World

How can we have faith in the Savior if we haven’t seen Him?

a woman studying the scriptures with a group of people

The Savior’s visit to the people of the Americas was surely a life-changing event for all who witnessed His miracles. But how do those who never see Him gain a personal witness of Jesus Christ?

Fortunately, the Savior commanded the people He visited to write their experiences to strengthen those who wouldn’t see Him (see 3 Nephi 16:4). And while most of us probably won’t see the Savior with our physical eyes, Elder David B. Haight (1906–2004) taught that, when it comes to seeing the Savior, there are multiple “meanings of the word see, such as coming to know Him, discerning Him, recognizing Him and His work, perceiving His importance, or coming to understand Him.”

So, what helps you gain a testimony of the Savior and His restored gospel, even if you haven’t physically seen Him?

Here are a few answers from members around the world.

Witnessing the Impact of His Teachings

“The peace and joy that come from following His teachings serve as constant reminders of His influence in my life. Belief in Jesus Christ is often supported by personal experiences, spiritual confirmation, studying scripture, prayer, community fellowship, and witnessing the positive impact of His teachings on oneself and others.”

Nefi Statie, Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean

Living by Faith

“Believing without seeing means living by faith. We might feel tempted to ask the Lord if He is truly there, but I firmly believe we are closest to the Lord when we exercise faith. Even though I haven’t seen him, I still know my identity as a daughter of God and a disciple of Jesus Christ. He is my Savior, and His love never ends. Without seeing, I can live by faith.

“I learned about the truth of the gospel when I was 19 years old. Now, because of my faith, my life is full of blessings. Scriptures, teachings from the prophets, and the words spoken at general conference bless my life every day and give me the courage to keep having faith. Even though I can’t see Christ, I see His light in my life.”

An Vu, Hanoi, Vietnam

Trusting God during Difficult Times

“The Apostle Paul taught, ‘Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen’ (Hebrews 11:1). When we believe without any evidence, we open ourselves to endless possibilities. To me, faith is evidence of the strength of our conversion, and that knowledge increases my ability to think celestial.

“In June 2023, I fell and seriously broke my elbow while my husband was away on an ecclesiastical duty in Uganda. I had lots of help from my family and friends. But when I realized how much help I needed to do simple things, I almost drifted into self-pity. My daughter reminded me that God is mindful of us and that I needed to trust in the Lord.

“Trusting God during that difficult time gave me hope, allowing me to believe that He wouldn’t give me more than I could handle. Knowing that His Spirit is always with me kept me hopeful and peaceful during challenging times. Now, after more than seven months, the injury is hardly noticeable.”

Josephine Baddoo, Nairobi, Kenya

Recognizing His Hand through Others

“I have seen the Lord’s hand in my life through others. At times, I feel like the Lord knows that I have trouble giving myself the benefit of the doubt or believing myself. But as I go through my life, I’ve been able to recognize His hand through others who’ve helped me learn to believe in myself and see myself the way He sees me.

“I see it through my parents who raised me, my friends who supported me through transitions in college, my mission companions who guided me through my mission, and my college professors who genuinely care about my education and well-being.

“Every time they serve me, I feel the Savior there too.”

Michael Avalos, Idaho, USA

Believing in His Timing

“I have seen the Lord’s hand countless times in my life, but my biggest testimony comes from a trial I have endured for 10 years.

“I became pregnant with my second daughter but miscarried at seven weeks. I remember crying and pleading with the Lord but thought, ‘Surely our Savior has a greater plan for this baby than what I need right now.’ The following year I became pregnant and then miscarried again. I asked, ‘God, why hast thou forsaken me?’ (Matthew 27:46).

“Eventually, we miraculously got pregnant and had a healthy baby girl.

“But this was not the end of this trial. Unfortunately, we ended up having four more consecutive miscarriages.

“After moving to a new area and getting a new provider, I was diagnosed with a blood-clotting disorder. With this information, my doctor and I made a plan. I went on to have two perfectly healthy children!

“The Lord’s timing is perfect. This lesson has been the hardest one I’ve ever had to learn. He prepares the way for you and puts people and experiences in your life to strengthen you.”

Vicky Majano, Virginia, USA
