YA Weekly
How Can I Keep My Faith Strong When I Feel Isolated as a Young Single Adult?
October 2024

Questions and Answers

How Can I Keep My Faith Strong When I Feel Isolated as a Young Single Adult?

The author lives in Italy.

Since I live far away from a lot of other young adult disciples of Christ, I have sometimes wondered how I can gain spiritual strength when I feel alone.

an illustrated woman sitting under a glass dome and looking sad

As a disciple of Jesus Christ, I have tried to follow our leaders’ advice to stand in holy places and to surround myself with other faithful Saints. There’s something so fortifying about being around other disciples who are trying to follow Jesus Christ.

In fact, President Dallin H. Oaks, First Counselor in the First Presidency, taught: “Attendance and activity in a church help us become better people and better influences on the lives of others. … We are strengthened by associating with others of like minds. In church attendance and participation, our hearts are, as the Bible says, ‘knit together in love’ [Colossians 2:2].”

But sometimes, following this counsel is a lot more difficult than we anticipate, especially for young adults. Even though we most likely have access to a ward or branch, not all of us have access to a young single adult ward that allows us to worship with peers who are in similar circumstances. And in some areas of the world (like here in Italy), we can count the number of young adult members of the Church in our area on one hand.

When friends who share our faith are few and far between, how can we keep our faith strong?

Thankfully, through faithful friends, I’ve seen how powerful it is to come together with other Saints, even if we can’t always stand together physically. Here are some practices that have helped me keep my faith strong even when I feel isolated.

Make and Keep Temple Covenants

President Russell M. Nelson has repeatedly emphasized the importance of the temple and making sacred covenants there. He taught:

“I would urge you not to wait until marriage to be endowed in the house of the Lord …

“And to each of you who has made temple covenants, I plead with you to seek—prayerfully and consistently—to understand temple covenants and ordinances.”

So, even though I wasn’t getting married or serving a mission at the time, I decided to receive my temple endowment. This decision was one of the most life-changing choices I have ever made! Each time I return to the temple, I feel peace and clarity about my faith in Jesus Christ, strength in remembering my divine identity, and momentum to keep striving on the covenant path as His disciple.

When I prioritize going to the temple, I remember that though I may feel lonely or isolated at times, I am always connected to my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

President Nelson also taught that if we continue to return to the temple and understand the significance of our covenants, “spiritual doors will open. You will learn how to part the veil between heaven and earth, how to ask for God’s angels to attend you, and how better to receive direction from heaven. Your diligent efforts to do so will reinforce and strengthen your spiritual foundation.”

If you don’t live near a temple that you can visit often, doing family history work, deepening your knowledge of your covenants through faithful studying, and striving to stand in other holy places will help you remember how your covenants connect you to Heavenly Father, no matter where you live.

Spend Time with Holy People

Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles recently taught about the importance of standing with holy people. He said: “The Spirit cannot be restrained from attending a gathering of holy people. If you hope to feel the Spirit, be with people with whom the Spirit can easily dwell. The Savior said it this way: ‘For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them’ [Matthew 18:20].”

I am always grateful when we have events like YSA conferences here in Italy, but my friends and I have wondered how we can continue to stay connected outside of these big events. We text each other, but it’s hard not seeing each other often after these conferences conclude.

Shortly after a conference a few summers ago, my friends and I were chatting about how it was hard to keep up on Come, Follow Me study as young single adults. We wanted to do better at following the study each week, but it was hard to find the motivation to do it on our own. That’s when we came up with the idea of meeting over video chat with other young adults in Italy to study together.

So, every weekday morning, we all gather to study the scriptures together and share our insights over video calls. Doing this has been such a beautiful experience and a way for us to connect with each other and to truly feel the Spirit.

Of course, standing with holy people doesn’t have to look exactly like this. There are so many ways to connect with our friends in the Church! Enrolling in an institute class (even one that meets virtually), creating a WhatsApp or other group chat with friends, and taking part in other YSA activities can keep you connected to young adults around you.

Elder Stevenson also said: “For young people, consider your gatherings of holy people: quorums and classes, … ward and stake activities—even ward choirs. Choose to be with people and go to places where righteousness is found. Find your strength in numbers. Find good friends. Be good friends. Support one another wherever you are.”

Remember That We’re All Connected

There will be times when we might feel lonely or disconnected from others on the covenant path. That’s completely normal in this time of life! But truly, there are so many other young adults around the world who feel the same way we do. We’re going through a lot of the same things, facing the same kinds of challenges, and seeking connection with our Savior.

If you’re worried about keeping your faith strong enough to resist the world, and if you are feeling lonely and disconnected, you can find hope as you stay close to Jesus Christ.

As you invite Him and the Spirit into your life each day, He can guide you and help you change! You can become a better person, make better decisions, and feel more connected to the Savior and to Heavenly Father.
