Finding Joy in Sacrament Meeting as a New Mom
November 2024

For Mothers of Young Children

Finding Joy in Sacrament Meeting as a New Mom

One talk at general conference reminded me of how I can find more joy in sacrament meeting—especially after becoming a mother.

young woman watching conference with her baby

When our daughter was just under three months old, we went on a road trip. The trip was fun but exhausting! Trying to sleep with a newborn is not easy. On top of that, our little girl got sick while we were traveling.

When Saturday night and the end of our trip finally came, I remember thinking, “I am so glad I get to go to church tomorrow and have time to focus on Jesus Christ. I need a break.”

That Sunday, I found peace and joy in attending sacrament meeting. I felt the Savior’s love comfort me during a time when I was overwhelmed.

Worshipping God in Any Stage of Life

Recently, Elder Patrick Kearon of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles invited Saints to worship, not just attend sacrament meeting. He said, “To attend means to be present at. But to worship is to intentionally praise and adore our God in a way that transforms us!”

I can’t help but wonder—how is that kind of worship possible for mothers with young children?

For moms with young kids, sometimes sacrament meetings are a challenge. Our hair is pulled. Spit-up ends up on our clothes. And some of us constantly worry about how our children might ruin everyone else’s worship, whether our children are crying, moving, or exploring the range of their vocal cords.

How can I find joy in sacrament meeting in this stage of life? Am I still worshipping God if I have to leave sacrament meeting to feed a hungry baby, console a screaming toddler, or change a dirty diaper?

Yes! As Elder Kearon said: “For parents of children who are young, … you can teach by example the love, gratitude, and joy you feel for and from the Saviour as you constantly care for His little lambs. … God is so aware of you.”

What great comfort from an Apostle of the Lord.

For me, worship looks like taking my baby to church even if the hours don’t go perfectly. It looks like sitting with the Saints when I can but sometimes sitting in a small mothers’ room or in the foyer.

Whatever stage you are in, you can find a way to worship joyfully in sacrament meeting.

You Need the Savior’s Sacrament

It is not always easy for me to feel peace as a mother. But the Savior offers peace—not as the world gives—but lasting peace (see John 14:27). It is accessible always, even during sacrament meeting.

“Nowhere should our joy as a people be more apparent than when we gather together each Sabbath,” said Elder Kearon. “Here we come to experience the joy, refuge, forgiveness, thanksgiving, and belonging found through Jesus Christ!”

What do you need from the Savior’s sacrament? Is it refuge? forgiveness? thanksgiving? belonging?

Through these past several months of becoming a mother, I have needed all of these things.

As Elder Kearon said, “Whether we shed tears of sorrow or tears of gratitude during the sacrament, let it be in awesome wonder at the good news of the Father’s gift of His Son!”

So even if you are in the midst of a hard stage of motherhood, know that you belong in sacrament meeting and that you can find joy and peace there.