Preparing for My Future: 2 Unexpected Answers from General Conference
November 2024

Preparing for My Future: 2 Unexpected Answers from General Conference

I had so many decisions to make, but instead of telling me what to do, God brought me closer to Him.

an illustration of young adults looking at a map

Before general conference began, I was scared.

My husband and I were both unsure what to do with our careers after our impending college graduations. We went to the temple to receive guidance about our future but couldn’t land on a plan together.

When discussing our plans, we wondered if we should move, what jobs we should get, and when to start a family, among other things. Trying to decide what to do became really stressful. I was scared that I wouldn’t receive the answers I needed during conference.

I realized that instead of looking for an answer of what to do, I needed to ask how to prepare. The Spirit then inspired me to ask this mindful question:

“How can I prepare for my unknown future?”

With this new lens, I found two simple answers.

Daily Holiness

My first answer came when Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles encouraged us to become more holy every single day and taught that holiness can “infuse daily living with the sacred.” Daily holiness can be worshipping in the temple, remembering Jesus Christ, serving others, praying earnestly, and so much more.

Holiness combats hardship. It’s been proven that religious believers experience greater happiness, mental and physical health, meaning, and purpose. The Spirit urged me to include more of this daily holiness in my life.

I realized that the blessings of intentionally choosing to become holier every day are directly correlated to preparing for the future. When we become more like God, we are more equipped to follow the right path for us.

Consistent Spiritual Nourishment

The second answer I received was from Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. He taught that our testimony is like a tree. The roots are Jesus Christ and His Atonement, and all other beliefs are the branches. He said, “If you want the branches of your testimony to grow and bear fruit, nourish the roots.”

By nourishing our roots, we connect with Jesus Christ and come to trust Him.

I thought about how I view my future in relation to Jesus Christ and concluded that I could always use more of Him in my life. Trusting Him brings so much good. I can choose to submit to God’s plan for me, without worrying that I will mess it up.

Elder Uchtdorf added: “Faith is beautiful because it persists even when blessings don’t come as hoped for. We can’t see the future, we don’t know all the answers, but we can trust Jesus Christ.”

To me this meant that trusting in Christ trumps all worries—period.

The answer I received during general conference was not a specific direction for my family’s life plan; it was a prompting to engage in daily holy habits, because rooting my testimony in Jesus Christ will prepare me for and guide me in my future.

This conference I learned that Heavenly Father has the power to make things work according to His plan, not mine. And His plan always brings us more peace.