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Come, Follow Me
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is it?

What is Come, Follow Me: Learning Resources for Youth?

Come, Follow Me: Learning Resources for Youth is a new curriculum that will help teachers teach in the Savior’s way and help youth become more fully converted to the gospel.

What classes will use Come, Follow Me?

Aaronic Priesthood quorums, Young Women classes, and Sunday School classes for youth ages 12 to 18 will use the curriculum for Sunday instruction.

What manuals does Come, Follow Me replace?

The following manuals are now obsolete: Aaronic Priesthood Manual 1 (34820), Aaronic Priesthood Manual 2 (34821), Aaronic Priesthood Manual 3 (34822), Young Women Manual 1 (34823), Young Women Manual 2 (34824), Young Women Manual 3 (34825), The Presidents of the Church (31382), and Preparing for Exaltation (31384).

Where do I find it?

Where do I find Come, Follow Me?

Learning outlines for Come, Follow Me are found online. Your leaders may also provide you with printed copies.

What if I have limited Internet access?

If there are many teachers and leaders who have limited Internet access in the area, area leaders may choose to print and distribute copies of Come, Follow Me. Ward or branch leaders may also choose to print copies of individual lessons from the Internet for teachers who need them.

When do I begin using Come, Follow Me?

Teachers should begin teaching from Come, Follow Me in January 2013. You can begin studying the learning outlines and related materials right now.

What languages is it available in?

Come, Follow Me will be available in the following 23 languages: Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, Fijian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Samoan, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Tongan, and Ukrainian.

What about other languages?

Wards and branches where members speak other languages will continue to use the basic youth curriculum as Church leaders evaluate making Come, Follow Me available in additional languages.

How will I learn about Come, Follow Me?

Area and local leaders should become familiar with Come, Follow Me. The site includes helpful videos that explain how to implement Come, Follow Me, ideas for preparing engaging learning activities, and a new guidebook, Teaching the Gospel in the Savior’s Way. In addition, area and local leaders will provide training meetings to introduce leaders and teachers to Come, Follow Me before the end of 2012.

How does it affect me if I’m a teacher?

How will Come, Follow Me change the way I prepare and teach?

The learning outlines in Come, Follow Me do not prescribe everything you should say and do in class. Instead, they suggest scriptures and other resources to help you learn the doctrine for yourself, followed by a few ideas for you to choose from to help the youth discover the doctrine for themselves. Teaching in this way is not a lecture but a conversation guided by the Spirit. Youth will be invited to participate in learning and teaching more than ever before.

How do I know what to teach each week?

Come, Follow Me is organized into 12 monthly units. Each unit includes several outlines to choose from—you will not be able to teach all of them. Select outlines based on the needs of the youth. You can spend more than one week on an outline if necessary.

How do I know what the needs of the youth are?

To understand the needs of the youth, listen to them as they make comments and ask questions in class. Take an interest in their lives. Counsel with parents, leaders, and other teachers. Most important, seek the guidance of the Holy Ghost. Adapt your teaching to be responsive to the Spirit and the needs and interests of the youth.

What other resources will I need?

In addition to the scriptures and words of the living prophets, the following resources are referred to frequently throughout the learning outlines and are available in print and online:

How can I show videos in class?

Most of the videos suggested in the outlines are available for download (some are not, because of copyright restrictions). A downloaded video can be shown on a portable electronic device. If a video is not downloadable, you can show it over the Internet using your meetinghouse’s wireless Internet connection, if available.

How else could it affect me?

How can Come, Follow Me help me as a parent?

Come, Follow Me invites youth to share with their families what they are learning. As you give your children opportunities to do so, their faith, testimony, and ability to share the gospel will grow.

You can also reach out to teachers and leaders to help them better understand the needs of your children so they can tailor the lessons to these needs. Videos for youth and parents are available on lds.org/youth/learn.

How can Come, Follow Me help me as an Aaronic Priesthood holder or a young woman?

Come, Follow Me invites you to take personal responsibility for learning—by coming to class prepared to learn, searching the scriptures and words of the prophets, asking questions, teaching and explaining gospel truths to your peers and family, and sharing how the gospel is influencing your life.

Your testimony will grow stronger as you act on what you learn and establish righteous habits, including personal prayer and scripture study, living the standards of the Church, and inviting others to live the gospel through word and example.

You can find videos that introduce youth to Come, Follow Me.

How can Come, Follow Me help me as a seminary teacher?

Seminary will continue to teach the scriptures sequentially using seminary manuals, but you are encouraged to become familiar with Come, Follow Me so that you can be aware of what the youth are learning and experiencing in their Sunday quorums and classes. Wherever possible, seminary teachers and ward leaders and teachers should reinforce each others’ efforts to strengthen the youth.

What coordination needs to take place?

How should teachers coordinate their efforts?

Helping youth become converted requires the combined efforts of all teachers of youth (Aaronic Priesthood, Young Women, Sunday School, and seminary). They should counsel together about the needs of the youth and let these conversations help determine what to teach. Teachers may decide to coordinate their weekly lessons to maximize their effectiveness for each youth and each class. They may also coordinate to share teaching ideas and techniques.

How can Come, Follow Me be tied to Mutual?

Leaders are encouraged to plan Mutual activities related to the monthly doctrinal topics in Come, Follow Me. These activities can give the youth opportunities to apply the things they learn on Sunday. In some cases, suggested activities in the learning outlines can be appropriate for Mutual.