Come, Follow Me

Introduction to Come, Follow Me

As you prepare to use Come, Follow Me to teach the youth, ponder the following questions and resources.

How did the Savior teach?

  • Can you see the Savior in your mind—with His disciples gathered around Him?

  • What do you notice about His way of teaching and leading?

  • How did He help others learn, grow spiritually, and become converted to His gospel?

Putting youth needs first

Watch the video “Determine What to Teach,” or read Teaching the Gospel in the Savior’s Way, 8.

Determine What to Teach

Questions to Consider

  • How will preparing in this way affect the way youth feel about their classes?

  • How can you work with parents and other teachers to understand what the youth need?

  • What are the needs of the youth you teach? How can Sunday classes help?

Each month all teachers will focus on the same doctrine, but teachers will choose their own lesson topics for each week. You may choose to spend more than one week on a topic. Let the needs of the youth, not a predetermined schedule, guide your teaching.

Discovering together

Watch the video “Help Us Discover the Gospel,” or read “Learning Outlines” in Teaching the Gospel in the Savior’s Way, 9.

Help Us Discover the Gospel

Questions to Consider

  • Why is it important for the youth to discover the truths of the gospel for themselves?

  • What can you do to prepare to teach in this way?

Review a learning outline from Come, Follow Me. What do you notice about the way the outline is organized, the kinds of resources it uses, and the nature of the learning activities?

Learning outlines are not meant to prescribe what you say and do as you teach. They are designed to help you learn the doctrine for yourself and prepare to engage the youth in learning, teaching, discovering, and sharing the gospel.

Leading to conversion

Read “Your Purpose” in Teaching the Gospel in the Savior’s Way, 3. Watch the video “Teaching the Gospel in the Savior’s Way,” or read pages 4–5 in Teaching the Gospel in the Savior’s Way.

Teaching the Gospel in the Savior’s Way

Questions to Consider

  • How can you help the youth you teach become converted?

  • What can you do to follow the Savior’s example?

Next Steps for Teachers and Leaders of Youth
