How can I invite others to come unto Christ?
Prepare Yourself Spiritually
Each member of the Church has the responsibility to help others come unto Christ and receive the blessings of His restored gospel. Our testimonies and our good examples can inspire our friends and neighbors to want to learn more about the Savior and His gospel.
Resources to Help You Prepare
These resources are to help you prepare for the “Learn together” section of the meeting.
1 Timothy 4:12 (Be an example of the believers)
1 Peter 3:15 (Be ready always to give an answer to those who ask about our beliefs)
Mosiah 18:9 (We are willing to stand as witnesses of God)
Doctrine and Covenants 28:16; 100:3–8 (If we open our mouths, they will be filled with what to say)
Doctrine and Covenants 84:85 (If we treasure up the word, the things we should say will be given to us)
Sharon Eubank, “Turn On Your Light,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2017, 6–9
Neil L. Andersen, “A Witness of God,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2016, 35–38
Dallin H. Oaks, “Sharing the Restored Gospel,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2016, 57–60
“Missionary Work,” in chapter 3, lesson 5 of Preach My Gospel (2018), 84
“Because I Have Been Given Much” (video)
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“Face to Face: How can I share the gospel without offending others?” (video)
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“A Witness of God” (video)
Questions to Ponder before You Teach
What experiences have you had inviting others to come unto Christ? What are some effective ways you have found to talk about the gospel with others?
What opportunities do the young women have to invite others to come unto Christ? What experiences have they had that they could share with each other?
What can the young women do to prepare to learn? For example, they could read a talk, watch a video, or study a scripture related to this doctrine.
Teaching in the Savior’s Way
The Savior invited those who followed Him to testify. How can you help the young women feel more comfortable testifying of their beliefs to those around them?
Meeting Outline
1. Counsel Together and Share Experiences
Led by a member of the class presidency; approximately 5–10 minutes
Lead a discussion about items such as the following:
Our class: Who is missing today? What visits do we need to make? Who should we invite to an upcoming activity? Who needs our help and prayers?
Our responsibilities: What assignments do we need to make? What assignments have we fulfilled? How have we invited others to come unto Christ, and how can we invite others now?
Our lives: Remind the class of the discussion from the last meeting. What experiences have we had with applying what we learned? What experiences have we had in the past few weeks that strengthened our testimonies of the gospel?
If possible, discuss these items beforehand in a class presidency meeting.
2. Learn Together
Led by a leader or teacher or a member of the class; approximately 25–35 minutes
After studying the above resources and following the inspiration of the Spirit, you may select one or more of the activities below to help class members understand the doctrine.
In her talk titled “Turn On Your Light,” Sister Sharon Eubank shared five ways in which righteous women can attract others to the Church of Jesus Christ. Divide the young women into groups. Assign each group to read about one of the five ways that righteous women can be a light to those around them and, if possible, think of a young woman or woman they know who has shown her light in the way they were assigned. Ask each group to share what they discussed with the rest of the class. Give the young women time to individually think of one of the areas they discussed that they would like to work on so they can help bring others closer to Jesus Christ.
The young women you teach may be afraid to share the gospel because they think others might be offended. It might help them to watch the video “Face to Face: How can I share the gospel without offending others?” What do they learn from President Eyring and Elder Holland that can help them overcome any fears they have about sharing the gospel?
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Bring a complicated puzzle and put all of the pieces in a pile. Ask one young woman to start putting the puzzle together as the rest of the class reads Elder Neil L. Andersen’s analogy about a puzzle in his talk “A Witness of God” or watches the video “A Witness of God.” How is the process of putting the puzzle together like the work of sharing the gospel? Invite everyone to work on the puzzle together as you discuss ways that you can work together as a class to do missionary work. As part of the discussion, you might refer specifically to the section of Elder Andersen’s talk titled “An Invitation to the Youth.” How can Elder Andersen’s counsel and challenge help the young women as they make plans to share the gospel?
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As a class, review the two lists of things we can do to share the gospel found in President Dallin H. Oaks’s talk “Sharing the Restored Gospel.” Help the young women think of situations where they could apply one or more of President Oaks’s suggestions. For example, they might start a gospel conversation with someone they don’t know while waiting at a bus stop. The young women might enjoy role-playing some of these situations.
Write the scripture references from this lesson on the board. Ask each young woman to select one of the scriptures, study it, and draw a picture that represents what the scripture teaches. Ask the young women to share the messages of their scriptures, based on their pictures. Then invite each young woman to read her scripture to the class and share what she plans to do to live by it.
3. Plan to Act
Led by a member of the class presidency; approximately 5–10 minutes
Ask the young women to discuss any feelings or impressions they had during the meeting. What was meaningful to them? Is there something they can do personally or as a class to apply what they have learned?
Give the young women a few minutes to record what they will do in the coming weeks to act on their impressions. Invite them to share their ideas.
Remind the young women that they will have the opportunity to share their experiences at the beginning of the next meeting.
Related Youth Activities
Plan a Mutual activity that will help the young women apply what they learned in this lesson.