Templo de Suva Fiji, Oração dedicatória

Oração dedicatória

Templo de Suva Fiji, 18 de junho de 2000

Almighty Father, Thou great Elohim, Thou who presides in the heavens and is the Father of all mankind, we Thy thankful children bow in reverence before Thee.

We are grateful for this day of dedication, that Thou hast favored us with a temple in this island nation. No longer will we have to travel far across the seas to do that work which Thou hast established as sacred and necessary for Thy Saints in this latter-day dispensation. Thou hast heard our prayers and hearkened to our entreaties that this blessing might come to us. How beautiful is Thy house, O Lord. How wonderful is the great plan of happiness for Thy children.

In the authority of the holy priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ, we dedicate this the Suva Fiji Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints unto Thee and unto Him. We consecrate unto Thee the grounds on which this temple stands. We consecrate the structure from the footings to the figure of Moroni. We consecrate the beautiful baptistry, the ordinance rooms, the beautiful celestial room, the sealing rooms with their sacred altars, and every other space and facility of Thy house. Protect it from intrusion by those who would defile it in any way. May it be a house of peace, a house of holiness, a house of God, sacred to all who look upon it.

Please, dear Father, accept it as the gift of our hands and our hearts. It is made possible through the faithful consecrations of Thy people throughout the world, and to each of them we express our gratitude. May our offerings help to establish other temples wherever they may be needed, that Thy people may partake of the ordinances of these holy houses, ordinances which are sacred, which are divine in their nature, and which are everlasting in their consequences.

Bless Thy faithful Saints everywhere. O Lord, deliver thy people from strife and contention. Prosper them in their affairs. Protect them from harm and evil.

Endow with power those who go forth from this house as Thine authorized servants to carry the message of the eternal gospel to the people of the world. Let Thy inspiration rest upon them. May the Holy Ghost be their companion. May they speak words of truth with great power. May they be protected from harm and evil.

Bless those who will serve in this house, receiving the eternal ordinances which will be administered here. May families here be sealed together for all eternity and may a knowledge of Thy divine purposes rest upon them and guide them in their labors. May they in very deed become saviors on Mount Zion.

We pray for those who direct the work here, the temple presidency and the matron and her assistants. May they not weary in the great responsibility that is theirs, but be granted strength and vitality to carry forward the work here to be performed. Bless all who labor with them as workers that each may be granted a spirit of service and consecration as they assist Thee in Thy great work of bringing immortality and eternal life unto Thy children of all generations.

We pray dear Father that these beautiful islands may be blessed with peace, that there shall be no abridgement of the great freedom of worship afforded by the government of this land. May Thy Saints be recognized as good citizens and may Thy work grow and flourish in this favored part of Thy vineyard.

Forgive our shortcomings of the past, and help us to rise above them as men and women of the covenant.

Almighty God, we acknowledge Thee as the giver of every good gift. We thank Thee. We pledge to Thee our love and service. We love Thee, our Eternal Father. We love Thy Divine Son, who gave His life for each of us. May we go forward as those who have taken upon ourselves His holy name with a pledge to keep His commandments, we humbly pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.