헌납 기도

아르헨티나 부에노스아이레스 성전, 2012년 9월 9일

O God, our Beloved Father in Heaven, Thou great Elohim, we come to Thee in the name of Thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and our Redeemer. We approach Thee with hearts full of gratitude for the blessings that have been showered down upon us.

First and foremost, we remember the gift of Thy Son, the great Jehovah, who came down from His place in glory at Thy side to offer His infinite sacrifice that makes it possible for us to be freed from any tragic effects of the Fall, which has brought us to this earth. Adam and Eve were not only shut out from the presence of God but became mortal and so subject to the certain death of the mortal body and the tragedy of sin.

Oh, Father, we lack the power of language to express fully the joy we feel from Thy loving kindness. By the gift of Thy Son to rescue us from the grasp of death and sin, Thou hast given us the way to find peace in this world and eternal life in the world to come.

We are grateful that in this holy temple the necessary covenants and ordinances are available to us, and the priesthood power is here to seal promises of happiness and joy forever in loving families.

Father, we thank Thee and Thy Beloved Son for the blessings that have come to thousands of Thy children, to communities across this land, and to this nation since this holy temple was first dedicated in January of 1986 by President Thomas S. Monson. That glorious day he acted by authority from President Ezra Taft Benson. Today we dedicate this expanded temple with its new ancillary buildings under the authority of President Thomas S. Monson, who now holds and exercises all the keys of the priesthood in the world today.

Thy children have gone out from this sacred house clothed with an endowment of power to take the gospel across the world and down into the hearts of Thy children. Thy Church and Thy people have been prospered and protected. The desire to obey and serve God to the point of sacrifice has increased among Thy people. Young people have kept themselves pure that they might be worthy to be baptized in this house by proxy for ancestors in the spirit world to whom they owe so much.

We thank Thee that in the ordinances and teachings in this temple we are drawn close to Thee and Thy Son, Jesus Christ. We feel Thy love and Thy invitation in the ordinances offered here to become like Thee and to live in perfect unity now and in the eternities. Please reward our desires to purify ourselves to serve Thy children and to build up Thy kingdom with all our hearts, might, minds, and strength.

As we dedicate these structures today we dedicate our lives. We plead for Thy blessings of protection. Please protect us against temptation. Guard every part of these buildings against the elements. Fortify and strengthen all who come here to serve and to worship against the forces of evil. We ask that the influence of the Holy Ghost may be unrestrained in this sacred place.

We pray that the desire we feel today to be pure will remain in our hearts and that it will increase. We invoke on the people of this land the wonderful promises made by the Lord as recorded in the Book of Mormon for the righteous who are brought here by Thy Spirit. Heavenly Father, may we receive all the blessings promised to Thy faithful servants as we honor our covenants with Thee.

Now, Father, by the authority of the Holy Priesthood, and acting under direction of President Thomas S. Monson, we dedicate this temple to Thee, including the structures and the grounds first dedicated by President Monson in 1986 and all that has been added in the magnificent renovation. We dedicate every part from the loftiest spire to the foundation. We dedicate every ordinance room, the baptismal font, any mechanical or electrical system, and every supporting ancillary structure.

We pray that all that we now dedicate to Thee will be protected against harm and human weakness. May it be a house of peace, a house of order, and a house of worship, whatever tumult may surround it. And may the influence that will come from this holy place spread a sense of peace, a love of covenants, and a desire to worship Thee and so bless communities across this land and on to other nations.

Today is evidence of the fulfillment of the prophecy of Elder Melvin J. Ballard in 1925, when he compared the work of the Lord in these lands to an oak tree, which grows slowly from a small acorn to greatness and power. Today, we celebrate that lasting and mighty oak.

And now, Father, we dedicate ourselves, as we dedicate this temple, to the fulfillment of all Thy promises for Thy children, in the earth and in eternity, in the name of Thy Son, Jesus Christ, amen.