Oração dedicatória

Templo de Freiberg Alemanha, 4 de setembro de 2016

O God our Eternal Father, we come unto Thee in the name of Thy Beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior and our Redeemer. Our hearts are filled with gratitude as we assemble in this Thy holy house to rededicate the Freiberg Germany Temple.

"It was built under remarkable circumstances and has well served Thy faithful sons and daughters. Since [its first dedication], marvelous and wonderful happenings have occurred.…The nation of Germany, once divided, has become one.…

"We acknowledge Thy mighty hand in all things and thank Thee with feelings beyond our power to express."

Heavenly Father, 14 years ago these words were used by President Gordon B. Hinckley as he rededicated this temple with President Thomas S. Monson by his side. We recognize how much President Monson loves this temple and these people.

This temple has again been enlarged and beautified to even better accomplish Thy purposes. As this temple has grown in physical size and beauty, so have the faith, dedication, and love of Thy people for Thee and Thy Son. We give thanks to the many who helped in this process of renewal and enlargement.

O Father, bless Thy people that this day of celebration and worship will be a new beginning in their lives. The divine blessings of the restored gospel are greatly needed in the nations of the world. Open the windows of heaven and shower upon the Saints, and all people of goodwill, an increased desire to do good at all times and in all circumstances. Renew their willingness to love Thee and their fellowmen and to always keep Thy commandments.

Bless the parents of this temple district that they may be examples of love and truth to their children. Bless the children that they will honor, respect, and love their parents.

Grant a special blessing upon the youth. Increase their understanding of the truth. Make them strong to live according to values of Thy restored gospel. Bless them with a joy for learning and a desire to seek "out of the best books words of wisdom…even by study and also by faith" (D&C 88:118). Bless them with joyful discipline and commitment to increase "in favour with God and man" (Luke 2:52). Purify their hearts as they earnestly pray to Thee. Let them feel Thy love and the richness of the gospel.

We ask Thee to bless and guide those who govern the nations of our people. Bless those in political positions to use their power for the benefit of their people, that peace, freedom, and prosperity will grow.

We thank Thee for the great and universal sacrifice of Thy Son, our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ. Only through His and Thy supernal gift are we able to receive the blessings this temple has in store for Thy children.

We love Thee, Heavenly Father. We love Thy Son, Jesus Christ.

It is in the name of Jesus Christ and by the authority of the holy priesthood that we rededicate unto Thee the Freiberg Germany Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We dedicate it as Thy holy habitation. Wilt Thou accept it and sanctify it, that all who come here may feel the presence of Thy Holy Spirit. We consecrate it for the great and holy work that will be performed herein. May this temple be a bright and shining star to Thy faithful sons and daughters.

Our Eternal Father, please accept our heartfelt thanks. Forgive our sins and shortcomings. Accept our offering of this house.

We dedicate this temple from the footings to the top of the tower with its shining figure of Moroni. We dedicate the temple grounds and all the ancillary buildings for Thy holy purposes.

Bless this house, we pray. May Thy watchcare be over it. May it be preserved from the storms of nature and from any defiling hand or act of man. May it be a place of holiness, a house of peace, a sanctuary of righteousness. May those who enter its doors come with clean hands and pure thoughts. May they leave with joy and peace in their hearts and sing songs of thanksgiving and worship unto Thee.

As we dedicate this temple we dedicate ourselves anew to Thee and to Thine eternal purposes. O God, for these things we pray as Thy thankful children and bear testimony of Thee and Thy Beloved Son, in the name of the Redeemer of the world, in the name of our Master, the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.