Both women and men deserve respect
Gospel Living

Both women and men deserve respect.

01/06/22 | 1 min read
We are equally important in God’s eyes!

The story of Adam and Eve teaches us a truth worth highlighting: men and women are equally important and vital to God’s plan.

Some cultures struggle with treating both women and men as worthy of respect. But every single person is a child of God, capable of amazing things!

“When women and men work together, we accomplish a great deal more than we do working separately,” taught Sister Jean Bingham, Relief Society general president. “Our roles are complementary rather than competitive.”1

What can you do within your sphere of influence to encourage respect for both men and women?

Respect Check

Think about the media you watch and words you use. Are they respectful of others? If needed, create a goal to improve.


1. From “United in Accomplishing God’s Work,” general conference, Apr. 2020.
