Trace. Cut. Thank. Repeat.
Gospel Living

Happy Thanksgiving!

11/23/23 | 1 min read
What are you grateful for?

Some countries celebrate Thanksgiving today! But even if you aren’t celebrating a holiday, it’s always a good time to cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

Below is an idea for making thank-you cards. There are also two awesome videos about the healing gratitude can bring into our lives. We hope you have a wonderful, thank-filled Thursday!

Handy Card Idea

  1. Trace your hand on a piece of paper and cut it out.
  2. Decorate it on one side.
  3. On the other side, write “Thanks for always giving me a hand!” or some other nice message. Share it with a Church leader, friend, or family member.

Two Great Videos

We can show gratitude by being thankful for all that Jesus Christ has made possible in our lives. Jon’s upbringing could have made him focus on what his life lacked. However, he chose instead to dwell on all the wonderful things he had.

How's It Growing?

Did your family do a gratitude tree this year? Share a photo with us at We’d love to see it!
