Sun Light Over Waves
Gospel Living

Light is an important part of life.

08/25/22 | 1 min read
Both spiritually and physically!

The scriptures are full of talk about “light,” both physical and spiritual.

Perhaps one reason the metaphor of light is used so often is that it’s easy to understand and learn from. Consider the story of the brother of Jared from Ether 3:

  • His people needed to travel across the ocean in boats that were watertight and airtight—and, unfortunately, pitch black inside.
  • Maybe they could survive without light, but it wouldn’t be a very comfortable trip!
  • The brother of Jared prayed for light.
  • The Lord worked with the brother of Jared to create a solution, touching stones to make them glow during their journey.

Can you spot any parallels between that story and spiritual light? For example, you could get through life without spiritual guidance. Millions of people do. But life is a lot better with the gospel and the Holy Ghost—especially when we face the questions and problems of life.

Let’s decide today to walk in the light!

Light Up Your Life

What are ways you can increase the spiritual light in your life this week?


1. For more about the symbolism of light, see a conference talk by Elder Timothy J. Dyches called “Light Cleaveth unto Light” from the April 2021 general conference.
