Cusco, Peru: Young Men Giving Service
Gospel Living

The Church helps those in need all over the world.

11/06/22 | 1 min read
Millions of hours volunteered, countless people cared for.

Did you know the Church operates 32 farms, ranches, orchards, and processing facilities? Last year, they made more than 100 million pounds of food—enough to feed 30 million people for a day!

Texas: JustServe - Henry’s Home

What does the Church do with all that food? Well, it goes to Church members and others in need through community programs and bishops’ storehouses.

Texas: JustServe - Gardening

And sharing food isn’t the only way the Church helps. In 2021, Church members participated in more than 3,900 humanitarian projects, such as:

  • Helping people after a volcanic eruption in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • Completing nearly 600 projects related to COVID-19.
  • Helping the people in Haiti after a 7.2-magnitude earthquake.

The Church often teams up with other organizations. In Kyrgyzstan, the Church worked with a group called Mercy Corps to plant orchards for schools. And in Paraguay, it collaborated with Fundación Solidaridad to train doctors and provide wheelchairs for people with disabilities.

American Red Cross

These projects touch thousands of lives. But service doesn’t have to be big and grand to make a difference! For example, several young women in Ecuador knitted scarves for residents of a nursing home, and a family in Canada cleaned up trash in a nearby field.

Argentina: Russell M. Nelson’s 2019 Latin America Ministry

Argentina: Russell M. Nelson’s 2019 Latin America Ministry.

You can learn more about the Church’s humanitarian efforts here. Exploring the site might also give you ideas for serving in your own community. After all, when we talk about “the Church” doing great things—we are really talking about people like you! We are the Church, trying to make the world a better place.

Brighten Your Community

When you serve others, your spiritual light increases. Who can you help today?

This post was adapted from the “2021 Caring for Those in Need 2021 Annual Report.”
See also Isaiah 58:10.
