Light The World 2020 Campaign
Gospel Living

You can #LightTheWorld one person at a time.

12/24/22 | 1 min read
The Savior set the perfect example of personal compassion.

Have you enjoyed lighting the world this month? Here’s your final #LightTheWorld invitation!

Even when Jesus Christ was surrounded by thousands of people, He ministered to them one by one.1 You can follow His example by sharing your light in individual, personal ways. For example, you could:

  • Tell a loved one they matter to you.
  • Send a homemade Christmas card to a friend.
  • Pray for someone by name.

Make this Christmas an extra-special one by remembering the Savior throughout the day. Visit the Light the World website for Christ-centered videos to enjoy!

Need More Ideas?

Try out the Kindness Randomizer. [Link to come]

1. See 3 Nephi 11:15 and 3 Nephi 17:21, 25. See also “One by One” from the 2017 youth album.
