“Mother’s Day Card,” Friend, May 2020
Mother’s Day Card
Make this pop-up card for your mom or someone else you love!
2 pieces of paper
tape or craft glue
Pick a piece of paper. Starting from the short end, make a fan by folding the paper up a little at a time, flipping after each fold.
Next, fold the fan in half. Fold the other piece of paper in half to make the rest of the card.
Glue the edges of your fan together to make a sort of triangle shape. Then glue the fan to the middle of the card. Now you have the top of your umbrella!
Draw the umbrella handle with you and someone you love under the umbrella. Decorate your card with raindrops or anything else you’d like.
Here are a few suggestions for the note inside!
Your love always keeps me safe and warm.
Thanks for keeping the storms away!
I’d share my umbrella with you anytime.
Thanks for protecting me with your love!
No storm is scary when you’re next to me.