More than a body: Seeing What God Sees
Gospel Living

Each body part goes with a scripture story.

06/16/23 | 1 min read
Ready, set ... match!

Lots of scripture stories specifically mention different parts of the body. Can you match them with the sentences below? Scroll down to check your answers!

A) Feet
B) Arms
C) Eye
D) Head
E) Heart
F) Knee
G) Tongue
H) Hand

1. The Lord taught that the Spirit speaks to both our mind and _ _ _ _ _ . (See Doctrine and Covenants 8:2.)

2. Ammon cut off the _ _ _ _ of those who attacked him and tried to scatter the king’s sheep. (See Alma 17:37.)

3. Jesus washed His Apostle’s _ _ _ _ before the Last Supper. (See John 13:5.)

4. Paul wrote that one day every _ _ _ _ shall bow and every _ _ _ _ _ _ confess that Jesus is the Christ. (See Romans 14:11.)

5. Jesus taught that we should worry about the large piece of wood in our _ _ _ before worrying about the splinters others have. (See Matthew 7:4.)

6. Nephi stretched out his _ _ _ _ and shocked his brothers who were trying to sabotage the boat God told him to build. (See 1 Nephi 17:53.)

7. Moses poured oil on Aaron’s _ _ _ _ to anoint and sanctify him. (See Leviticus 8:12.)

Learn More

Pick a body part from the list above to learn more about. Maybe someday you’ll be an optometrist, podiatrist, or cardiologist! Isn’t the human body amazing?

1. E
2. B
3. A
4. F, G
5. C
6. H
7. D
