Emoji Quiz Book Campaign
Gospel Living

Emoji Quiz: Name These Book of Mormon Stories

12/04/20 | 1 min read
Can you guess which Book of Mormon stories the emojis represent?

If you need help, here are some hints:

1. This early Book of Mormon prophet had a vision. (1 Nephi 11)

2. He just kept on praying! (Enos 1)

3. God loves those on all continents. (3 Nephi 11)

4. Sailing in darkness didn’t sound fun. (Ether 3)

5. It brings a whole new meaning to the word disarming. (Alma 17:33–39)












1. Lehi’s vision of the tree of life.

2. Enos prays all day and all night.

3. Jesus Christ visits the people in the Americas.

4. The brother of Jared asks the Lord to make stones shine.

5. Ammon protects King Lamoni’s sheep by cutting off the arms of attackers.
