FSY South Africa
Gospel Living

Flooding didn’t stop this conference!

06/17/24 | 1 min read
FSY was off to an inspiring start.

The youth leaders in South Africa were determined not to let another FSY conference be canceled!

The year before had been scrapped due to COVID-19. And now torrential rains were threatening to ruin the conference again.

FSY South Africa

The FSY venue was only accessible by bridge, and floodwaters had risen so high that vehicles couldn’t be driven over it.

“We began praying that the rains would subside soon,” wrote Lee Wright, the FSY session director. “As we prayed to know what to do, the words of President [Russell M.] Nelson kept coming to mind: ‘Seek and expect miracles.’”

FSY South Africa

Then Brother Wright and the young single adult FSY counselors had an idea: If they couldn’t drive cars or buses across the bridge, maybe they could walk?

And that’s what they did.

FSY South Africa

It was difficult—they had to wade through swiftly running water that came up to their knees. The counselors helped each of the 530 youth cross safely, helping them one by one. They even carried them when necessary.

A few hours later, the rain let up. FSY was still on!


