Old Testament Stories: Elisha Heals Naaman
Gospel Living

He was expecting something more dramatic.

07/06/22 | 1 min read
(A thought from 2 Kings 2–7.)

Naaman was an important man. So when he sought Elisha’s help for his leprosy, he expected the prophet to speak to him personally. He expected some important, meaningful information or challenge to cure his leprosy.

Instead, the prophet Elisha sent a servant to tell him to … bathe in a river?! And not even a preferred river (see 2 Kings 5:12). Naaman seems to have thought this was beneath him.

Which kind of makes sense. Many of our favorite fictional stories have heroes who accomplish mighty, nearly impossible tasks to gain their rewards—slaying dragons, defeating evil wizards, blowing up Death Stars, that kind of thing. But are we as willing to put as much heroic effort into the simple things?

It’s good to be willing to die for the Lord. But are you willing to live for Him too? To do the things He asks you to do, day after day, no matter how small or unimportant they may seem? That’s the real test!

Give It a Try

Is there something simple the Lord has asked you to do that you’ve been putting off? Make a goal to break the cycle and try it this week!

Note: For another story about this idea, see Alma 33:19–22.
