Go Forth with Faith (San Diego Temple)

Imagine you could paint a school parking spot.

10/30/23 | 1 min read
Check out Katya’s design!

“For years, my family and I went every month to do baptisms for our deceased family members at the San Diego California Temple.

When the San Diego Temple closed for an extended period, I knew I would miss those visits.

At my school, students in their final year can paint their parking spot. My family and I decided to paint a design of the San Diego Temple. Everyone that lives near me can recognize the temple when they see my spot.

It’s a beautiful symbol of how we can go forth with faith because Jesus Christ made it possible for us to be connected as a family through the temple.”

Thanks so much for sharing, Katya! What’s something you can do to connect with the temple this week?

Go Forth with Faith (San Diego Temple)

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