An audio narration that briefly describes the testimonies of those who saw and handled the gold plates. Their testimonies are found in the beginning pages of the Book of Mormon.

Joseph Smith saw the gold plates.

01/18/24 | 1 min read
And so did all of these other people!

We know that, with God’s help, Joseph Smith translated the gold plates to become the Book of Mormon.

The video above tells the story of others who had a special experience with the gold plates: three witnesses who got to hold them, and eight others who saw them and recorded their experiences. This month’s “For the Strength of Youth” magazine also has an article about it!

Did you know there was a woman named Mary Whitmer who was shown the plates by angel Moroni? She was taking care of three extra houseguests (and eight children!) while the Book of Mormon was being translated in her home. We’ll share more of her story later this month, so stay tuned!

We might not be able to see the gold plates physically, but we can still learn for ourselves that the Book of Mormon is an inspired book. Let’s each become a witness of its truth this year!

Goal Check

Are you currently working on any goals related to studying the scriptures right now? If not, now would be a great time to create one!
