Mocking Can’t Change the Truth
Gospel Living

Not everyone liked what Jesus had to say when He was on earth.

07/13/23 | 1 min read
But He didn’t let that stop Him!

To mock means to ridicule, make fun of, or taunt. We live in a time when more and more people mock Jesus Christ, His teachings, and His followers.

Standing up for the truth isn’t always easy, especially when you’re mocked for it. This may happen at school, at work, with friends, or even with family. But you’re not alone. Jesus was mocked, prophets are mocked, and many others have been mocked throughout the history of the world for believing in God and following His ways.

So keep standing up for what you believe. Be willing to disagree respectfully and with Christ-like love.1 Mocking can never change the truth!

What's True, Anyway?

It’s easier to stand up for something when we know more about it! Pick one of the Savior’s teachings and explore conference talks, scriptures, and other Church resources to learn more.

Adapted from “Mocking Can Never Change the Truth” in the July 2023 For the Strength of Youth magazine.
1. For tips about how to disagree without being disagreeable, see this article in the Sept. 2021 Liahona.
