Disciple to Disciple: Ayotunde

Patience. Humility. Kindness.

01/07/24 | 1 min read
He learned a lot from his friend Ewa!

Ayotunde, a young man in Nigeria, shared a story about this friend, Ewa (short for Ewaoluwa), who is an example to him of being a disciple of Christ.

“She once offended me, and I was angry with her,” Ayotunde explained. “Then she asked for my forgiveness. Through that process, I learned humility and forgiveness from her. She was so humble when she apologized, and I forgave her. To me, being a disciple of Jesus Christ is to keep Heavenly Father’s commandments, to love God and His Son, Jesus Christ, and to care more for others.”

Wait to go, Ewa! And thanks for sharing, Ayotunde!

Read about other youth who are disciples of Jesus Christ in this month’s “For the Strength of Youth” magazine.

Friendship Inventory

Take stock of the friendships in your life. Which friends help you become more like the Savior? How can you be a Christlike example to your friends?
