Latter-day Saints Channel

President Nelson’s Worldwide Message

02/09/16 | 1 min read

You will accomplish the impossible, so prepare to. That was the theme of the special message President Russell M. Nelson gave during a worldwide devotional for young adults in January.

His address was a reminder to the millennial generation that they have been chosen by God to do great things. President Nelson outlined the steps young adults can take to get started today.

Learn who you really are.

“I promise you that when you begin to catch even a glimpse of how your Heavenly Father sees you and what He is counting on you to do for Him, your life will never be the same,” President Nelson said.

Expect and prepare to accomplish the impossible.

“As a true millennial whom the Lord can count on, you will make history too!” he promised. “You will be asked to accept challenging assignments and become an instrument in the Lord’s hands. And He will enable you to accomplish the impossible.”

Access the power of heaven.

“Every one of us has questions. Seeking to learn, understand, and recognize truth is a vital part of our mortal experience. Much of my life has been spent in research. You too will learn best by asking inspired questions,” he taught.

“Where can you start?” he asked. “Begin by spending more time in holy places.”

Follow the prophets.

“You may not always understand every declaration of a living prophet,” he said. “But when you know a prophet is a prophet, you can approach the Lord in humility and faith and ask for your own witness about whatever His prophet has proclaimed.”

What was your favorite story or quote from President Nelson’s message? What did you feel inspired to do? Tell us in the comments.
