God loves His children, and that includes every person ever born. Each of us lived in the premortal world as a spirit before being born and gaining a physical body.
Gospel Living

Video: God Loves His Children

10/15/20 | 1 min read

“Does God love me?”

Some people think of God as an old, fearsome dictator who is always looking for a chance to punish us. (There are a few Old Testament scriptures that, if taken out of context, make Him sound really angry.)

We can help others understand that God is our loving Heavenly Father. He loves every one of us, His children. While dads here on earth are imperfect, Heavenly Father loves us with the perfect version of a father’s love. Which of the truths below could you share with someone?

  • God is pleased with our accomplishments and eager to see us succeed.
  • When we mess up (which we will all do, over and over again), God will always help us get back on track again.
  • When we hurt, God hurts with us.
  • God doesn’t want us to be afraid of Him. When the scriptures say to “fear God,” they mean to treat Him with respect.

Watch this video and practice talking about Heavenly Father with a friend, family member, or neighbor. It’s the most important relationship you could ever talk about!
