Kenya: Youth Social Media 2020: Aura Katembo
Gospel Living

We can use our hobbies to help others.

07/30/23 | 1 min read
Here’s how Aura from Kenya did it!

Whether it’s art, music, sports, or all of the above and more, it’s fun to develop talents and hobbies. But have you ever used a talent you have to help someone else? Aura from Kenya has.

“I love the smiles that come from baking,” Aura says. “Everyone likes good treats. One time my mom left all the ingredients for banana bread in the kitchen, but she wasn’t looking forward to making it.”

“I decided to bake the banana bread for her. I found out that the banana bread wasn’t for her. Instead, she was preparing it to give to her students. My mom was very happy I helped her in that way.”

Thanks for sharing, Aura! You can read more about Aura here in the July 2023 For the Strength of Youth magazine.

Host a Hobby Night

For a family or class activity, invite everyone to bring something they enjoy doing and teach the group how to do it. You could even invite adults who have cool skills you want to learn.
