Christ with a Child
Latter-day Saints Channel

What We Can Learn from Jesus Christ’s Interaction with Children

04/25/17 | 1 min read
Jesus Christ loves all of God’s children, but it is what He taught about the little children that could change the way you think, speak, and act today.

How did Jesus Christ interact with children?

When He lived on earth, Jesus found joy in spending time with children. There are several scripture stories about parents who brought their children to Jesus to be blessed. On one occasion, His disciples tried to send them away so Jesus could rest, but He immediately told His disciples to let the children come to Him.

Jesus was never too busy or tired to love children while He was on the earth. Likewise, He is never too tired or busy to love and help you. You are a child of God.

In fact, Jesus counseled us to become like children—more pure, more loving, and more willing to obey. He said: “Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3–4).

What can we do to become more like the children Jesus describes?

Children have faith in people and in God. They offer love and acceptance to all, regardless of age, gender, race, or economic situation. They are usually first to forgive. They also notice the needs of others.

Jean A. Stevens of the Primary General Presidency shared a story about a 10-year-old Armenian boy whose example of thoughtfulness inspired her:

“As we waited for sacrament meeting to begin, he noticed the oldest member of the branch arrive. He was the one who quickly went to her side, offering his arm to steady her faltering steps. He assisted her to the front row of the chapel, where she could hear. Could his small act of kindness teach us that those who are greatest in the Lord’s kingdom are those who look for opportunities to serve others?”

Consider these five ways to reach out with more love and kindness. Which traits of children and Jesus Christ do you admire most? What are your tips for becoming more like them? Leave a comment.
