figType (basic figure)

Node type: Attribute


Indicates the type of figure (for example, map or sidebar).

Attribute Values

callout image quote wordStrip
chalkboard map sidebar
diagram moreInfo sideQuote
handout music table

Values are governed by an authoritative list.

Used in Elements

figure (basic)

Code Sample

<figure figType="image">

<para paraID="1"><image altText="Receiving the Mother Teresa award" webURL="teresa-award.tif"/></para>


<para paraID="2">The Very Reverend Joseph Mayo, right, presents the Mother Teresa Award to Craig Jessop, left, and Mac Christensen after the Choir’s Music and the Spoken Word performance.</para>



<para paraID="3">Photograph by Jeffery D. Allred/Courtesy Deseret Morning News</para>




The types of figures are:

callout A brief quote from an article or chapter used as a display element. (Compare sideQuote below, as well as the epigraph, intro, kicker, and summary elements.)
chalkboard Text, pictures, or diagrams illustrating what a teacher should write on a chalkboard. (This is especially useful when only some diagrams in a document are intended to be part of a chalkboard activity and need a special look and feel.)
diagram Text and images arranged to show a structure or relationship rather than to represent something directly.
handout Text, pictures, or diagrams, usually filling a complete page, to be duplicated by the teacher as a handout.
image A picture with caption, credit, or other text.
map The images and text making up a map.
moreInfo A text box or sidebar soliciting feedback from the reader or indicating where to go for more information. It might include Web and mailto links and bibliographic references.
music Text and images arranged to represent sheet music.
quote A quotation, generally with a citation or bio line.
sideQuote A text box or sidebar with a quote, usually from a General Authority, not drawn from an article but related to it in theme. It often includes a photo of the person quoted. (Compare callout above, as well as the epigraph, intro, kicker, and summary elements.)
sideBar A brief article on a topic related to the main article. It is does not include a byline. (Compare the subArticle element.)
table A table with caption, credit, notes, or other text attached.
wordStrip Text for the teacher to display in class (such as on strips of paper).