
Node type: Element (may contain text and/or other elements)

Whitespace: Protected


A kicker (also known as a teaser).

Child Nodes or Content

Attribute: paraID

Attribute: highlight

Icon identifying optional elements = Optional element or attribute

Parent Elements



Code Sample


<title paraID="1">Prayer of Thanks</title>


<para paraID="2">By Larry Hiller</para>

<para paraID="3">Church Magazines</para>


<kicker paraID="4">What began as a simple prayer of thanks opened my eyes to the immeasurable blessings I have received from the Lord.</kicker>



A quotation from or summary of an article that draws attention to and sets the tone for the article. Kickers are primarily a magazine convention.

See Also

Marking in Microsoft Word

Use paragraph styles like ARTCL_kicker, SUBART_kicker, and TOCENT-1_kicker.