Node type: Element (may contain text and/or other elements)
Whitespace: Not protected
A page break. Optionally records the printed page number.
<para paraID="4">We testify with John the Baptist, who, as he saw the Lord approaching to him, saith: “. . . Behold the Lamb of God, which <pageBreak pageNum="25"/>taketh away the sin of the world.” (<scriptureRef book="john" chapter="1" para="29">John 1:29</scriptureRef>.) Not just a man of human warmth, but the Lamb of God.</para>
On the Web these are replaced by nothing (for example, “left-<pageBreak/>handed” becomes “left-handed”). Empty element.
Enter code directly. Use the xmlPara paragraph style for breaks that occur between paragraphs, or the xmlChar character style for breaks that are inline.
The shorthand <pb#/> is also supported. <pb23/> in xmlChar is changed to <pageBreak pageNum="23"/> as part of the WordToXML conversion.
Inside a paragraph, <pageBreak/> should be preceded by a space and followed by the first letter of the next word.