
Node type: Element (may contain text and/or other elements)

Whitespace: Not protected


A page break. Optionally records the printed page number.

Code Sample

<para paraID="4">We testify with John the Baptist, who, as he saw the Lord approaching to him, saith: “. . . Behold the Lamb of God, which <pageBreak pageNum="25"/>taketh away the sin of the world.” (<scriptureRef book="john" chapter="1" para="29">John 1:29</scriptureRef>.) Not just a man of human warmth, but the Lamb of God.</para>


On the Web these are replaced by nothing (for example, “left-<pageBreak/>handed” becomes “left-handed”). Empty element.

Marking in Microsoft Word

Enter code directly. Use the xmlPara paragraph style for breaks that occur between paragraphs, or the xmlChar character style for breaks that are inline.

The shorthand <pb#/> is also supported. <pb23/> in xmlChar is changed to <pageBreak pageNum="23"/> as part of the WordToXML conversion.

Inside a paragraph, <pageBreak/> should be preceded by a space and followed by the first letter of the next word.