
Node type: Attribute


The page number.

Attribute Values

The following values are permitted, alone or in series:

  • Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.)
  • Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, etc., or I, II, III, etc.)
  • “insert”
  • “inside front cover”
  • “inside back cover”
  • “back cover”

Use commas, en dashes (–), and spaces for numbers in series, as you would in a full source citation. (The insert and inside cover pages can also be included in the series.)

Used in Elements


Code Sample

<para paraID="1">We testify with John the Baptist, who, as he saw the Lord approaching to him, saith: “. . . Behold the Lamb of God, which <pageBreak pageNum="25"/>taketh away the sin of the world.” (<scriptureRef book="john" chapter="1" para="29">John 1:29</scriptureRef>.) Not just a man of human warmth, but the Lamb of God.</para>


Indicates the number of the page following the break.

Use inclusive numbers for elements that span more than one page. For example, a figure that fills a magazine spread might have a <pageBreak> before the credit line with a pageNum value of "34–35".