
Node type: Element (may contain text and/or other elements)

Whitespace: Protected


The introduction to a list or block quote.

Code Sample

<list listFormat="number">

<preamble paraID="4">The first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are:</preamble>



<para paraID="5">Faith</para>




<para paraID="6">Repentance</para>




<para paraID="7">Baptism</para>




<para paraID="8">Gift of the Holy Ghost</para>



Display Sample

The first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are:

  1. Faith
  2. Repentance
  3. Baptism
  4. Gift of the Holy Ghost


Some preambles cannot be marked, because they are part of the preceeding paragraph.

Marking in Microsoft Word

Use paragraph styles like the following:

LISTalph-1_preamble   (listFormat = alphaLowCase)
LISTalphC-1_preamble   (listFormat = alphaCaps)
LISTbullet-1_preamble   (listFormat = bullet)
LISTnmbr-1_preamble   (listFormat = number)
LISTrom-1_preamble   (listFormat = romanCaps)
LISTromC-1_preamble   (listFormat = romanLowCase)
LISTdef-1_preamble   (listFormat = definition)
LISTnoMrk-1_preamble   (listFormat = noMarker)