
Node type: Block element (can contain only other elements)

Whitespace: Not protected


Contains a group of table of contents entries.

Child Nodes or Content

Choice of one:

One or more:


Icon identifying optional elements = Optional element or attribute

Code Sample


<title paraID="2">Contents</title>

<titleLabel paraID="3">Title</titleLabel>

<pageLabel paraID="4">Page</pageLabel>

<tocEntry fileIDref="36500_000_intro" paraIDref="1">

<title paraID="5">Introduction</title>

<page paraID="6">v</page>


<tocEntry fileIDref="36500_000_hist" paraIDref="1">

<title paraID="7">Historical Summary</title>

<page paraID="8">x</page>


<tocEntry fileIDref="36500_000_life" paraIDref="1">

<title paraID="9">The Life and Ministry of Spencer W. Kimball</title>

<page paraID="10">xiv</page>


<tocEntry fileIDref="36500_000_1" paraIDref="1">

<titleNumber paraID="11">1</titleNumber>

<title paraID="12">“To Live with Him Someday”</title>



<tocEntry fileIDref="36500_000_2" paraIDref="1">

<titleNumber paraID="13">2</titleNumber>

<title paraID="14">Tragedy or Destiny?</title>

<page paraID="15">11</page>




Wraps tocEntry and optional title and label elements.

Marking in Microsoft Word

Use Word styles like the following:

TOCBLK-1_titleLabel   Character style (place inside the lableRow paragraph style).
TOCBLK-1_pageLabel   Character style (place inside the lableRow paragraph style).
TOCBLK-1_seriesTitle   Paragraph style.
TOCBLK-2_title   Paragraph style.
TOCENT-1_title   Paragraph style.
TOCENT-2_page   Paragraph style.

Note: The paragraph style of all lines within a tocBlock should begin with “TOC”, and the style of each tocEntry should have the same prefix; for example, “TOCENT-1_” or “TOCENT-2_”.

If this isn’t practical, use the xmlPara paragraph style to enter beginning and ending <tocBlock> and <tocEntry> tags. Include tocEntry attributes; for example, <tocEntry fileIDref="12345_000_3" paraIDref="1">.