
Node type: Element (may contain text and/or other elements)

Whitespace: Protected


A title.

Code Sample


<title paraID="1">Doctrine and Covenants <br/>Student Manual</title>

<subtitle paraID="2">Religion 324 and 325</subtitle>



Generally, do not use styling elements like <strong>, <emphasis>, <smallCaps>, or <allCaps> for titles. This will be done with paragraph styles in InDesign and on the Web. The exception is when only a portion of the title needs the style.

Marking in Microsoft Word

Chose the paragraph style that corresponds to the structure containing the title. These include ARTCL_title, SUBART_title, CHAP_title, TOPIC-1_title, CHALK_title, LISTalph-1_title, TOCENT-1_title, and numerous others.

Run-in titles can be indicated with character styles like TOPIC-1_runInTitle. Note that the resulting XML code is the same. Titles created with either method will display as block titles in InDesign and on the Web unless styled to be in-line.