
Node type: Block element (can contain only other elements)

Whitespace: Not protected


Marks blocks of a lesson’s presentation content identified by a particular instructional method.

Code Sample

<teachingMethod activity="recite">

<title paraID="17">Activity Verse</title>

<para paraID="18">Recite the following activity verse and invite the children to join you:</para>



<line paraID="19">I begin by saying “Dear Heavenly Father”; <emphasis>(raise one finger—keep fingers raised throughout the activity verse)</emphasis></line>

<line paraID="20">I thank him for blessings he sends; <emphasis>(raise second finger)</emphasis></line>

<line paraID="21">Then humbly I ask him for things that I need, <emphasis>(raise third finger)</emphasis></line>

<line paraID="22">In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. <emphasis>(raise fourth finger)</emphasis></line>



<para paraID="23">[<crossRef fileIDref="35395_000_014" paraIDref="1">“I Pray in Faith,” </crossRef><emphasis>Children’s Songbook,</emphasis> 14]</para>





The instructional method employed by content marked by teachingMethod is identified with the activity attribute.

Marking in Microsoft Word

Use the MTHD_para paragraph style. In cases where not every paragraph within a teachingMethod block can be identified with this style, enter tags directly using the xmlPara paragraph style.