
Node type: Element (may contain text and/or other elements)

Whitespace: Protected


Marks text that is presented to the user of a form to inform the type of input required by a particular field.

Code Sample


<title paraID="12">Previous Released-Time Seminary</title>

<para paraID="13">(If applicable)</para>


<inputField inputFormat="singleLine"/>

<fieldLabel paraID="14">Seminary name</fieldLabel>



<inputField inputFormat="singleLine"/>

<fieldLabel paraID="15">Teacher’s name</fieldLabel>



<inputField inputFormat="singleLine"/>

<fieldLabel paraID="16">City</fieldLabel>



<inputField inputFormat="singleLine"/>

<fieldLabel paraID="17">State or province</fieldLabel>




Do not confuse this element with label, which is used exclusively in basic list items. Generally, label elements mark presentational characters used to set off or instantiate a new list item. fieldLabel elements set forth the type of data to be collected by the user for a particular form field. Since the function of each of these elements differ, so do their semantic identities.