
Node type: Element (may contain text and/or other elements)

Whitespace: Protected


An entry in an index list.

Child Nodes or Content

Attribute: paraID

Attribute: highlight

Icon identifying optional elements = Optional element or attribute

Parent Elements

listItem (index)

Code Sample

<list listFormat="index">

<title paraID="12">P</title>


<entry paraID="13">Pratt, Parley P.</entry>

<list listFormat="index">


<entry paraID="14">learned of eternal family organization from Joseph Smith</entry>







<entry paraID="15">prepared 1837 edition of Book of Mormon</entry>




<entry paraID="16">traveled to ask Joseph for relief of Missouri Saints</entry>





<entry paraID="17">witnessed the Prophet rebuking prison guards</entry>






Display Sample


Pratt, Parley P.

  learned of eternal family organization from Joseph Smith, 221 (220–22)
  prepared 1837 edition of Book of Mormon, 64
  traveled to ask Joseph for relief of Missouri Saints, 138, 141
  witnessed the Prophet rebuking prison guards, 207


An index list item can have only one entry, which must come first. For subentries, embed another index list in the list item.

See Also

Marking in Microsoft Word

Use paragraph styles like the following to mark index entries:

  • LISTindx-1_entry
  • LISTindx-2_entry

Note that each entry should be on a line by itself. These will be combined by transform in the display channels.

Embedding is often used to create index subentries (see sample). The number in the stylenames indicates the level of embedding.