insideBackCover (magazine)

Node type: Block element (can contain only other elements)

Whitespace: Not protected


The inside back cover of a magazine.

Child Nodes or Content


Parent Elements

cover (magazine)

Code Sample



<figure figType="image">

<para paraID="3"><image altText="Speakers’ Corner, Hyde Park, painting" webURL="hyde-park.tif"/></para>


<title paraID="4"><emphasis>Speakers’ Corner, Hyde Park, 1934–1935,</emphasis> by John Mason</title>

<para paraID="5">Elder Gordon B. Hinckley teaches a crowd gathered at Speakers’ Corner in London’s Hyde Park. During his mission to Great Britain, Elder Hinckley served with distinction and was called to be an assistant to Elder Joseph F. Merrill of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, who presided over the European missions.</para>



<para paraID="6">May Not Be Copied</para>






Contains a body block, which wraps the other elements that make up the inside back cover.

Marking in Microsoft Word

Use paragraph styles like COVERIB_para. Note: If a paragraph whose stylename does not begin with "COVE" occurs anywhere in the inside back cover, use the xmlPara paragraph style to enter beginning and ending <cover>, <frontCover>, <insideFrontCover>, <insideBackCover>, and <backCover> tags.