Node type: Block element (can contain only other elements)
Whitespace: Not protected
The inside front cover of a magazine.
<figure figType="image">
<para paraID="3"><image altText="Ice Skating in the Park, painting" webURL="ice-skating.tif"/></para>
<title paraID="4"><emphasis>Ice Skating in the Park</emphasis> by Eric Dowdle</title>
<para paraID="3">Overlooking the town of Logan, the Logan Utah Temple was dedicated on May 17, 1884. Ninety-five years later, on March 13, 1979, the temple was rededicated after extensive remodeling. This painting shows townspeople skating by moonlight at the turn of the century.</para>
<para paraID="5">May Not Be Copied</para>
Contains a body block, which wraps the other elements that make up the inside front cover.
Use paragraph styles like COVERIF_para. Note: If a paragraph whose stylename does not begin with "COVE" occurs anywhere in the inside front cover, use the xmlPara paragraph style to enter beginning and ending <cover>, <frontCover>, <insideFrontCover>, <insideBackCover>, and <backCover> tags.