
Node type: Block element (can contain only other elements)

Whitespace: Not protected


A table cell that is part of a header row or column.

Child Nodes or Content

Attribute: crows

Attribute: ccols

Attribute: ccolwidth

Icon identifying optional elements = Optional element or attribute

Parent Elements

tableRow (table header)

Code Sample

<table trows="3" tcols="2" border="table">


<tableHeader crows="1" ccols="1" ccolwidth="144">

<para paraID="12">Months</para>


<tableHeader crows="1" ccols="1" ccolwidth="288">

<para paraID="13">Fourth-Sunday Lesson Materials</para>




<tableData crows="1" ccols="1" ccolwidth="144">

<para paraID="14">November 2010–April 2011</para>


<tableData crows="1" ccols="1" ccolwidth="288">

<para paraID="15">Talks published in the November 2010 <emphasis>Liahona</emphasis> and <emphasis>Ensign</emphasis><noteMarker noteRef="*">*</noteMarker></para>




<tableData crows="1" ccols="1" ccolwidth="144">

<para paraID="16">May 2011–October 2011</para>


<tableData crows="1" ccols="1" ccolwidth="288">

<para paraID="17">Talks published in the May 2011 <emphasis>Liahona</emphasis> and <emphasis>Ensign</emphasis><noteMarker noteRef="*">*</noteMarker></para>




Display Sample

Months Fourth-Sunday Lesson Materials
November 2010–April 2011 Talks published in the November 2010 Liahona and Ensign*
May 2011–October 2011 Talks published in the May 2011 Liahona and Ensign*


The attribute “table” must be set to “cell”. The attribute “theader” must be present, but its value is arbitrary.

See Also

Marking in Microsoft Word

Create tables using the table feature in Microsoft Word. Merge cells as desired. Place the cursor inside the header row and click on Table – Table Properties. Click the Row tab and select “Repeat as header row at the top of each page.”

Note: The TBLHEAD_para and TBLDATA_para styles can be useful for visualizing tables you prepare in Word, but both styles are converted to <para> on conversion to XML. Placing TBLHEAD_para on a row will not make it a header row. You must set the header row in Table - Table Properties.