A Hug from a Stranger
February 1974

“A Hug from a Stranger,” Ensign, Feb. 1974, 28

A Hug from a Stranger

While attending LDS Business College, struggling to put myself through school, I couldn’t help feeling very lonely and depressed sometimes. My parents were both dead, and even though I prayed constantly to my Heavenly Father for the courage and faith to go through life alone, there were times I doubted if I could ever make it. At one of these times I had one of the most wonderful experiences of my life.

I was working part-time for the Church Membership Department, and on my way up the front steps of the Church Administration Building, I noticed a man not far behind me. He joined me at the elevator, and put his arm around my shoulders, making some humorous remark about waiting for the elevator. I just laughed and said nothing. I didn’t know him, but it didn’t feel uncomfortable, being gently hugged by a stranger.

When the door opened, we walked in, his arm still around me. A lady on the elevator looked up, beaming in delight at the sight of us.

The man left us on one of the floors, saying, “Have a nice day, ladies.” I casually returned, “Same to you.” Then I turned to the still-beaming lady who shared the elevator and asked, “Who was that man?” She replied, “That was Elder Harold B. Lee!” Disbelieving, I choked, “Who?” She repeated his name.

At that moment, I suddenly felt that my Heavenly Father sent his servant, Elder Harold B. Lee, to me that day to put his arm around me. That feeling was a real assurance of my Father’s love and protection for me. It was also the first time I gained a personal testimony that I can really love my Heavenly Father and my Savior more than anyone or anything in this world.
