He Seemed to Glow
February 1974

“He Seemed to Glow,” Ensign, Feb. 1974, 76

“He Seemed to Glow”

Elsa Lucía Contreras of Peru had been contacted by the missionaries while studying at her Catholic school. She was impressed by their message, but was not ready to make the changes in her life that accepting the gospel would demand of her. At this point, she received an invitation to attend a special conference. Elder Harold B. Lee of the Council of the Twelve was coming to organize the mission in Peru, November 1, 1959. Sister Contreras says:

“The thought of seeing a living apostle thrilled me and we went to the airport to meet him. My excitement increased as I joined the large crowd. We all waited expectantly as the plane landed. As people started getting off the plane, my curiosity grew.

But to my dismay, I couldn’t see anyone who fit my idea of an apostle. The missionaries were gathering around a certain man, but he couldn’t be an apostle. I thought that an apostle must be completely different from us, even in his dress. Nevertheless, there was a definite difference in this man. He seemed to glow.

The conference with him was an experience that I will never forget, but what touched me even more occurred after the meeting, when we went to the recreation hall for a special dinner. Elder Lee was the first to be served, but he refused his plate, saying, “First, the visitors, the children, and then us.”

Later, after he had received his plate, he wouldn’t sit at the special table prepared for him. He took his plate in his hands and began to mingle with the people. With the aid of a translator, he talked with them all.

He is a man of love and humility. Though I couldn’t understand the words he spoke, I felt his spirit. There was no room left for doubt. He was a man of God. I returned home ready for baptism.”

President Lee listening with concern.

Alertness, forcefulness, humor—all stamp President Lee’s face.

The President always received dignitaries and visitors graciously.

A visit with Harold Hansen at the Hill Cumorah visitors center, 1973.

A loving arm, a strengthening word—a President Lee trademark.

Young people also loved to be in his presence.

Mutual affection is evident between President Lee and seminary students at early morning meeting in the Assembly Hall.
