April 1974

“Mirthright,” Ensign, Apr. 1974, 69


My 83-year-old nonmember mother is an avid television fan. In an attempt to divert her to more uplifting fare, we suggested she read the Book of Mormon, especially Moroni 10:4 [Moro. 10:4] where the promise is given that the truthfulness of the book will be made known to those who pray with sincere heart. To help her remember this scriptural passage, we told her to think of the television show “Highway Patrol,” in which the star, Broderick Crawford, signs off his police radio messages with “ten-four.” After several days we asked her if she had read that special scripture. She answered, “I’ve looked and looked, but you know, I simply can’t find ‘Adam-12’ anywhere.”

Roger H. Zierenberg
Sepulveda, California

One summer afternoon, after busily helping her father plant nasturtiums in the flower bed, our three-year-old daughter tiptoed into the kitchen and whispered in my ear, “Mommy, Daddy hid the flowers, but I know where they are.”

Mrs. Jeannette B. Lawrence
Orem, Utah

Everyone was seated ready for family home evening, but four-year-old Paula, who was conducting, was a little unsure of herself. Finally Daddy whispered, “What do people in charge of meetings say first?” With this prompting, Paula then faced us and authoritatively commanded, “Be quiet.”

David Yocum
Blackfoot, Idaho

While driving from the Church parking lot I failed to notice that excavation work had left a large hole at the edge of the sidewalk. The front wheel of my car dropped into the hole and I was stuck. Unable to go forward or backward, I was wondering what to do when I saw my home teacher and the Church custodian and their sons hurrying to the rescue. Their united efforts, plus that of my own teacher-aged son, soon returned the car to solid pavement and I was able to be on my way. As I drove off, my son said, “Boy, we’re grateful for the power of the priesthood, aren’t we, Mom?”

Mrs. Ollidean Bradley
Snowflake, Arizona

My 6′3″ friend Mike looked very imposing dressed in the uniform of the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC). As we visited together in the foyer before Sunday School, we noticed an excited child headed in our direction, screaming with excitement and dragging his mother toward us. Coming to an abrupt halt in front of Mike he proudly exclaimed, “Look, Mom, a general authority!”

Pamela Elrod
El Paso, Texas

My eight-year-old brother was watching a severe hailstorm from his grandmother’s living room window. After a few minutes he turned to Grandma and said solemnly, “I know what it is out there, but I’m sure not going to say it.”

Debi Walker
Provo, Utah

I have always had trouble explaining why it is better to tell the truth, and perhaps face trouble, than tell a lie. However, my seven-year-old daughter recently told me, “It’s like taking out a sliver. The needle really hurts for a little while, but then it gets better. A lie stays in and makes you unhappy for a long time.”

Mrs. Jane C. Babcock
San Jose, California

When the new bishop was named in sacrament meeting, my mother bent down and asked my three-year-old brother, “Did you hear who the new bishop is?” “No,” he replied, “Who is it?” “It’s your daddy,” she replied. “Well,” he said with great concern, “if my daddy’s going to be the new bishop, who’s going to be my daddy?”

Eileen Angle
Thatcher, Arizona

In bearing her testimony during fast meeting, a young mother with three lively children said, “I’d like to thank my Heavenly Father for all my many blessings.” Then she paused and looked down at her wriggling two-year-old and added, “Sometimes I feel that I should apologize for my blessings making so much noise in church.”

Mrs. S. Warner
Drumheller, Alberta, Canada

A six-year-old was telling a neighbor lady about his family’s visit to an amusement park. “Did you ride the roller coaster?” she asked. To his affirmative reply she explained that she had once ridden a roller coaster, but “it frightened me so much that I never rode one again.” “I was very calm,” explained the boy. “You have to be calm to pray.”

Don Epperson
Austin, Texas
