Program Notes
April 1974

“Program Notes,” Ensign, Apr. 1974, 73

Program Notes

The Sunday School Bulletin, the Meetinghouse Library, and the Primary Dispatch are among the informational newsletters published from Church headquarters for the benefit of auxiliary leaders in stakes and wards and missions and districts. Beginning with this issue, the Ensign will publish items of general interest from these newsletters in the form of “Program Notes.”


Four pamphlets have been prepared for stake, ward, and mission Sunday School inservice leaders to help them learn and carry out their responsibilities. With the overall title of “Applying Teacher Development Principles in the Sunday School,” the four pamphlets may be ordered by stock number through Church Distribution Centers (See below).

The pamphlets are: Part I, introduction for stake and ward inservice leaders, (PESS0111, 15 cents); Part II, for Sunday School inservice leaders (PESS0122, 20 cents); Part III, for ward Sunday School inservice leaders (PESS0133, 30 cents); and Part IV, for mission inservice leaders (PESS0144, 5 cents).

All four pamphlets are applicable to stakes and districts, while pamphlets I and III are recommended for wards and branches.

“Musical Interludes for the Worship Service” is now available through Church Distribution Centers (see below). The 244 brief interludes included in the publication (PBMU0075, $2.50) are intended primarily as Sunday School sacrament gem music, but they can also be used at other times to enhance the spiritual atmosphere and to provide a transition between various aspects of the worship service. This publication has been added to the recommended list of books for meetinghouse libraries.

All publications mentioned above may be ordered through Church Distribution Center, 1999 West 1700 South (P.O. Box 11627), Salt Lake City, Utah 84111; Deseret Enterprises Ltd., 21 Stanley Street, Cheetham, Manchester M8 8SH, England; and Auckland Distribution Center, Private Bag, Auckland 1, New Zealand.
