undefined undefined A Real Neighbor
A Real Neighbor
July 1974

“A Real Neighbor,” Ensign, July 1974, 7

A Real Neighbor

A real neighbor is someone who greets you each day with “Good morning!” and then does everything possible to see that it is.

A real neighbor is someone who says a lot of things behind your back—always good.

A real neighbor is someone who keeps his dog out of your flowers and his kids out of your hair.

A real neighbor is someone who tells his golf buddies that you’re moving in next door and he’s staying home from the game to help you do it.

A real neighbor is someone who won’t tell you a spicy bit of gossip.

A real neighbor is someone who leaves homemade bread or other goodies on your doorstep.

A real neighbor is someone who smiles.

A real neighbor is someone who gives you a little advice on how to put in your new lawn—and a lot of help.

A real neighbor is someone you would still want to live next to if no one had ever invented the fence.

A real neighbor is someone who volunteers to babysit your little ones—for the third Friday night in a row.

A real neighbor is someone who invites you over to watch home movies—your home movies.

A real neighbor is someone who makes you feel you’re a very special person.

A real neighbor is someone who knows the gospel of Jesus Christ is true, and who loves you so much he can hardly wait to share it with you.

A real neighbor is someone who plans and prepares and prays; who invites you into his home to meet the missionaries; who bears his testimony to you that the church of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth, and that the greatest happiness and joy that mortal man can know come through receiving baptism into the Church and the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost, and then living a life of service to a God who loves us so much that “he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16.)

A real neighbor is someone who cares enough, who loves enough to follow the admonition of the Savior: “… Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. And … Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” (Matt. 22:37, 39.)

Are you a real neighbor?