Young Men and Young Women Announcements
January 1981

“Young Men and Young Women Announcements,” Ensign, Jan. 1981, 80

Young Men and Young Women Announcements

The following information appeared in the November 1980 Bulletin:

Young Men

The Exploring Division of Boy Scouts of America provides opportunities for Explorers (sixteen-seventeen years of age) to compete for scholarships and awards in various fields. These awards and scholarships include the Law Assistant Award, the Young American Award, the American Medical Association Recognition Plan, the James S. Kemper Foundation scholarship, and the J. Edgar Hoover Foundation scholarship. Other awards and scholarships are also available. You can obtain further information through your local Boy Scouts of America council service center. Applications are available at the same source. The young men of the Church should be aware of and take advantage of the scholarships and awards available to them.

Young Women

The annual meeting for young women will take place 28 March 1981 and will again be broadcast from the Tabernacle on Temple Square. Further details will be provided later.
