Policies and Announcements
June 1982

“Policies and Announcements,” Ensign, June 1982, 76–77

Policies and Announcements

The following items appeared in the April 1982 Bulletin.

Reduction of Time and Money Required for Church Programs. “We are very anxious that the cost of participation in Church activities not become unduly burdensome to our members. There is concern lest some who are not able to meet these costs may withdraw themselves from full participation in the Church. Particularly the youth programs of the Church should be so managed that all of our young people may enjoy full participation.

“Local leaders in stakes and missions are … asked to carefully review their budgets together with those things not included in the budget that require donations of time or money from our members. Determine if some reduction in these costs may be made. Some less-essential activities of the Church may have to be curtailed somewhat. These may include those activities that require extensive travel, or frequent contributions from members.

“It is a time of great opportunity. We are anxious that we not falter in expanding the great missionary program of the Church, and in providing the needed buildings, including temples. In order to keep up with the costs of the essential activities of the Church, it will require wise and prudent management on the part of the local priesthood leaders. …

“Our members face increasing costs in providing food, clothing, shelter, and the other necessities of life for themselves and for their families. It is a time that will require very wise and prudent budgeting on the part of local leaders so that the cost of Church membership will not be burdensome to them.” (First Presidency letter, 2 May 1978.)

Activities for Youth and Young Adults. Those who supervise activities for youth and young adults should not plan events that require long-distance travel and unusual expense. Leaders generally should discourage overnight activities for mixed groups. For special events, such as youth conferences, that extend beyond a single day, leaders should obtain written permission from parents and should provide adequate chaperones (normally one responsible adult for every eight to ten youths or young adults and at least one adult per car).

Do not curtail activities for youth and young adults, because wholesome activities are a necessary part of the Church program. However, exercise wisdom and avoid undue expense and extravagance. Also, emphasize family-centered activities.

General Authority Speaking Assignments. The growth of the Church and the increasing demands on the time of the General Authorities have prompted the following policy statement:

a. Regional Representatives, stake presidents, members of general auxiliary boards, and other exemplary Latter-day Saints generally should be invited as special speakers for youth and single-adult firesides and conferences rather than General Authorities.

b. On occasions when a particularly significant multi-stake event would be greatly enhanced by a General Authority speaker, the priesthood leader requesting a General Authority speaker should have the Executive Administrator clear the request and then submit it in writing to the Office of the First Quorum of the Seventy.

c. General Authorities are assigned regularly to visit stake conferences to instruct and meet with local members of the Church. In few additional instances would a General Authority speaker be appropriate at a stake or ward function.

Length of Visiting Teaching Visits. Visiting teaching visits should be limited to approximately ten minutes except where a special need requires a longer visit.

Visiting Teaching with Small Children. Visiting teachers who have small children should not leave them unattended while doing visiting teaching even when the children are asleep. Visiting teachers may take small children with them. However, mothers should help them to sit quietly, possibly with a book or toy, during the visits.

Members in Military Service. Ward Relief Society presidents should keep a current list of sisters who are in military service. They should see that these members receive regular letters from the presidency and from visiting teachers. This is important for any members away from home, but especially for those serving in the armed forces. They are often in circumstances that make active Church participation difficult. Regular communications from Relief Society sisters can provide needed encouragement and a reminder of the security and strength found in the gospel.
